Thursday, 11 December 2014

birthday resolution

      Birthday is the most awaiting day throughout the year.There will be so much of spadework for that wonderful day.Invitations,Cake,Candles,Balloons,Party hats,Food,Ice creams,snacks,thank you notes ...what not! Apart from the elation, there will be a thought of taking a resolution.Here is a foremost idea of planting a tree. All of us knows the advantages of them
  • Trees combat green house effect
  • cleans the air
  • Provide oxygen
  • Cools the streets and city
  • Saves water
  • Conserve energy
  • They help prevent water pollution
  • prevents soil erosion
  • Provide food
  • trees heel
  • provides wood

All you need to do is to plant a tree on your birthday so that you are bringing up a sibling along with you! how great that would be?!

Steps needed for Plantation

                                            step 1  watering the ground for moisture

step 2 sowing the seeds

step 3 watering

step 4 Take good care of the plant

Happy Planting!!!
This would be the best Resolution
Kudos! Pat yourself